Thursday, April 27, 2006

Rabbi Ephraim Greenblatt

(current; Israel-USA; talmid muvhak of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, and talmid of Rabbi Menachem Shach and of the Chazon Ish; author of Rivevot Ephraim): personal interview, August 27, 2006.


Anonymous said...

can you elaborate upon the conversation?

DES said...

Probably the most relevant part of the conversation was the end, when I asked him whether Chazal's belief in spontaneous generation of lice could have been incorrect. He replied in the affirmative.

DES said...

P.S. On that theme, please bear in mind what Michtav Mei'eliyahu quotes from Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler: that a halacha does not necessarily change even if the scientific basis for it as described in the Talmud is incorrect.

Ben Fuzze said...

Can you give us a transcription of this interview?? Was it recorded? His answers written?

Also, did R. Greenblatt explain why R. Dessler is incorrect that halachah does not change if scientific understanding changed?

DES said...

Ben Fuzze,

Sorry; no transcript and no recording. I spoke to him at a wedding. You have only my word for it, which probably isn't very meaningful to you.

I don't understand your final question. I don't believe I stated that R. Greenblatt disagreed with R. Dessler. For all I know, they were in agreement that Chazal were incorrect about the scientific facts but correct about the halacha.